92. Bridge pattern#

The Strategy pattern provides us with a mechanism to encapsulate different behaviors, making them interchangeable. But as our systems grow in complexity, we often find ourselves dealing with multiple dimensions of variation.

Imagine you’re designing a music player (like Spotify) which displays different media content (like songs, artists, albums, playlists) in various ways (like thumbnails on an overview page, list items in search, mobile, or desktop). With the Bridge pattern, we decouple the media types from the way they can be displayed which means that they can evolve independently.


Fig. 92.1 Just like you can pair any camera with any lens as long as they both follow the same interface, the Bridge pattern enables you to combine elements from two type hierarchies.#

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The intent of the Bridge pattern is to:

Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

Essentially, the Bridge pattern separates the platform-general logic from the detailed, platform-specific functionality.

Another way to think about the Bridge pattern is as ‘an abstraction using an abstraction’, or two ‘layers’ of abstraction. In strategy pattern we’ve got a concretion composed with an abstraction. In Bridge pattern we have an abstraction composed with another abstraction. If you recursively apply the Strategy pattern you’ll end up with the Bridge pattern.


Bridge pattern is like a strategy (from the Strategy pattern) that also acts like a client for another family of strategies.


As can be seen in Fig. 92.2 the Bridge pattern comprises two abstraction hierarchies.


Fig. 92.2 UML class diagram of bridge pattern. [Image will be replaced soon] [Image source]#

  1. The abstraction on the left is usually an abstract class with a reference to an instance whose type is that of the abstraction on the right. It usually defines some default operations that make use of the instance. The hierarchy on the left is sometimes called ‘the platform-independent’.

  2. The abstraction on the right is either an abstract class or an interface which defines the methods that the operations in the abstraction on the left calls. The hierarchy on the right is sometimes called ‘the platform-dependent’.

By delegating responsibility from the abstraction on the left to the abstraction on the right, the two can evolve independently. It’s like having a remote (on the left) for a TV set (on the right). The remote can change its design, buttons, or features, and as long as it communicates with the TV correctly, the TV’s internals or brand can change without affecting the remote.


The word ‘bridge’ in the name refers to how we create a ‘bridge’ between the hierarchy on the left and the hierarchy on the right.


In the original conception of the Bridge pattern, given in the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, the first abstraction is composed with the second abstraction. This is visualized in Fig. 92.2 where we can see that the ‘has-a’ arrow goes from the left abstraction to the right abstraction.

These days however, the reference to the second abstraction is sometimes placed in concretions of the first abstraction. This can be seen in Fig. 92.3 where the ‘has-a’ arrow goes from a concretion on the left to the abstraction on the right.


Fig. 92.3 UML class diagram (left) of modern variation of Bridge pattern. [Source]#

In the original version, the first abstraction holds the reference to the second abstraction, which means that the second abstraction must remain the same. In the modern variation, the concretions hold their own reference to the second abstraction which means that each concretion can choose whatever abstraction they wish.

The upside of the modern variation is flexibility. Different concretions of the abstraction on the left can couple to different abstractions on the right.

The downside of the modern variation is that the abstraction on the left cannot write concrete implementations that work with the abstraction on the right since we don’t know which abstraction will be used.


The modern and the classic variants of Bridge both have their pros and cons. Choose whatever is best suited for your scenario.


Let’s dive into a simple example to clarify this. Imagine that we need to draw different shapes (like circles and rectangles) in different colors (like red or blue).

Had we not known about the Bridge pattern we might have created a bunch of classes like RedCircle, BlueCircle, RedRectangle, BlueRectangle, and so forth. The number of classes would exponentially increases each time we add a new subclass to either type hierarchy. Luckily, we know that we can use the Bridge pattern so let’s do that instead.

Let’s start by defining the abstraction ‘on the right’ and some implementations of it.

interface IColor
    string Name { get; }
class RedColor : IColor
    public string Name { get; } = "Red";
class BlueColor : IColor
    public string Name { get; } = "Blue";

Then let’s define the abstraction ‘on the left’ and some implementations of it.

abstract class Shape
    protected IColor color;

    public Shape(IColor color)
        => this.color = color;

    public abstract void Draw();
class Circle : Shape
    public Circle(IColor color) : base(color) {}

    public override void Draw()
        => Console.WriteLine($"Drawing a round, {color.Name}, perfect Circle.");
class Rectangle : Shape
    public Rectangle(IColor color) : base(color) {}

    public override void Draw()
        => Console.WriteLine($"Finding four corners and drawing {color.Name} lines between each of them.");

With our bridge set up we are finally ready to instantiate some objects of Shape and compose them with objects of IColor.

Shape redCircle = new Circle(new RedColor());
Drawing a round, Red, perfect Circle.
Shape blueRectangle = new Rectangle(new BlueColor());
Finding four corners and drawing Blue lines between each of them.

Notice how the Shape class does not need to know the specifics of how colors are applied. It merely delegates the responsibility to the IColor interface. The Bridge pattern ensures that shapes and colors can change and evolve independently.

The modern variant#

To follow the modern variant of Bridge we could convert the shape abstraction into an interface and only leave the Draw method like this:

interface IShape
    void Draw();

This would make our shape implementations more flexible but they would also have to contain some more code since they then would have to be responsible for accepting and managing an IColor.

class Circle : IShape
    // The subtype now needs the field.
    private IColor color;

    // The subtype now needs to handle the dependency injection.
    public Circle(IColor color)
        => this.color = color;

    // The draw method remains the same.
    public void Draw()
        => Console.WriteLine($"Drawing a round, {color.Name}, perfect Circle.");

The benefit of this approach is that the first abstraction (IShape) isn’t at all coupled to the second abstraction (IColor). That coupling happens in the concretions of the first abstraction. Consequently, implementations of IShape don’t actually need to compose something of type IColor or anything at all for that matter. The implementations are free to compose whatever other combination of objects they wish. So, the interface IShape is more general than the abstract class Shape from the earlier example.

In the updated code we can, of course, still combine any shape with any color and pass the result around without users needing to worry about what concrete shape or color has been used.

IShape shape = new Circle(new RedColor());
Drawing a round, Red, perfect Circle.

When to use#

At this point you might be wondering if there aren’t simpler approaches. Let’s explore two common queries:

  1. Can’t we solve the same problem using method overloading? Can’t we just have a bunch of methods with signatures like void Draw(RedColor red, Circle circle)? Of course, but then we cannot call the method if we have objects of type IColor and IShape, which defats the purpose of using subtype polymorphism in the first place. Then we can’t pass around shapes without having to always worry about which particular subtype we have. As soon as we upcast a specific shape to its supertype we’ve lost type information and can’t get back the specific subtype without using downcasting, pattern matching, or Visitor pattern.

  2. Ok, can’t we then just have a single method with the signature void Draw(IColor color, IShape shape) then? Well yes, but then the implementation of that method can only access what’s in the public interface of IColor and IShape. The implementation cannot be specific to any of the subtypes of IColor and IShape. Have a look at the code example and notice how the implementation of the Draw method in the two shapes are different. When writing that implementation, we know which subtype of IShape we are in, but we do not know which subtype of IColor we have.


The Bridge pattern allows us to create implementations tailored to combinations of subtypes from two type hierarchies. These implementations can access the specifics of subtypes from one hierarchy, but must use the general interface of objects from the other.

See also

If your implementation needs to be specific to subtypes from both hierarchies then you either need the Visitor pattern or pattern matching. Both of which we’ll talk about later.


By ‘nesting’ the Bridge pattern, we can have an arbitrary number of layers of abstraction where the implementation at each layer can be specific to the subtype of the ‘left’ abstraction but not to the ‘right’. Think: new A(new B(new C()));


Like the Strategy pattern emphasized the power of encapsulation and interchangeability, the Bridge pattern underscores the importance of decoupling and flexibility. In essence, while Strategy gives us one layer of abstraction (or axis of variation), Bridge gives us two.