63. Multiple interfaces#

In real-world scenarios, things often possess attributes and behaviors that span across multiple domains. A television, for instance, has spatial attributes like position and size, but can also be turned on and off like an electronic device.

Analogously, in software design, a class may implement multiple interfaces, promising to fulfill several contracts at once. This capability to portray different roles becomes incredibly handy when a class interacts with varied systems or operates in different contexts, each demanding a unique set of behaviors.

Let’s consider a Rectangle class that implements both IPositionable and ISizable interfaces. The former is an interface for things that have a position, and the latter for things that have a size. We can easily image a system where rectangles have both position and size.

interface IPositionable
    int X { get; set; }
    int Y { get; set; }
interface ISizable
    int Width { get; set; }
    int Height { get; set; }
class Rectangle : IPositionable, ISizable
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }

Here, a single Rectangle object represents both the position and size attributes. It guarantees to satisfy the contracts laid down by both IPositionable and ISizable interfaces, thus assuming dual roles depending on the needs of the situation.

ISizable sizable = new Rectangle();
IPositionable positionable = new Rectangle();


As we learned in the chapter on compile-time types and run-time types we can only access members available on the compile-time type. So we cannot, for example, call Width on a variable of type IPositionable even if its run-time type happens to be Rectangle.

But what happens if multiple interfaces demand a member with the same signature?

interface IPositionable
    void Display(); // Defined in both interfaces.
interface ISizable
    void Display(); // Defined in both interfaces.
class Rectangle : IPositionable, ISizable
    public void Display()
        => Console.WriteLine("Displaying Rectangle.");

Not a problem. Since both members have the same signatures we simply ensure that the member exists in the class that claims to implement the interfaces and it compiles just fine.

ISizable asSizable = new Rectangle();

IPositionable asPositionable = new Rectangle();

Rectangle asRectangle = new Rectangle();
Displaying Rectangle.
Displaying Rectangle.
Displaying Rectangle.

If you end up with a naming conflict, where multiple interfaces want to use the same method signature but the behavior of these two members should be different we can use, what’s in C# called, ‘explicit interface implementation’. This allows different behaviors based on the interface being invoked.

class Ellipse : IPositionable, ISizable
    void IPositionable.Display()
        => Console.WriteLine("Displaying Ellipse as IPositionable.");

    void ISizable.Display()
        => Console.WriteLine("Displaying Ellipse as ISizable.");
ISizable asSizable = new Ellipse();

IPositionable asPositionable = new Ellipse();
Displaying Ellipse as ISizable.
Displaying Ellipse as IPositionable.

Notice however how we cannot

Ellipse asEllipse = new Ellipse();
(2,11): Error CS1061: 'Ellipse' does not contain a definition for 'Display' and no accessible extension method 'Display' accepting a first argument of type 'Ellipse' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This Ellipse class uses explicit interface implementation to distinguish between the Display methods of IPositionable and ISizable. Thus, a single Ellipse object can execute different Display methods depending on whether it is treated as IPositionable or ISizable.

Key point

A class can implement multiple (possibly overlapping) interfaces, thereby assuming different roles.

Multiple interfaces is the enabler of an important design principle called the interface segregation principle. We will discuss that in a later chapter, but for now, it is essential to recognize that just like the real-world things, a single class can also play multiple roles.