110. Invariance#

Before learning about variance you might think that it would be possible to use a list of apples if a list of fruits is expected. Now you might be a bit more skeptical though. If Apple is a subtype of Fruit, would it not make sense for IList<Apple> to also be a subtype of IList<Fruit>?

In most languages, including C#, this is not allowed. Why? As we will learn in the chapter on the Liskov substitution principle, the only solution that’s guaranteed to be type safe is covariance in output and contravariance in input. Since the property T Item[] of IList<T> allows us to ‘get’ elements of type T from the list this implies that T must be covariant. However, the method Add(T element) of IList<T> allows us to ‘set’ elements of type T which suggests that T must be contravariant.

In theory, it might be possible to let T in IList<T> be bivariant but this would involve sophisticated compile-time checks, run-time checks, or constraints. In practice, almost no languages usefully allow bivariance. Instead, we end up with lists that are ‘invariant’.

Key point

If A is a subtype of B and if T is invariant in I<T> then I<A> is neither a subtype or supertype of I<B>.

Let’s break it down using an example. Assume that we have the two classes Apple and Fruit and that the former is a subtype of the latter.

class Fruit {}
class Apple : Fruit {}

In .NET the generic interface IList<T> specifies that T is invariant. This means that the type IList<Apple> is neither a subtype nor a supertype of the type IList<Fruit>, even though Apple is a subtype of Fruit.

This in turns mean that we cannot compile code that tries to treat a list of apples as a list of fruits. Such code would require T to be covariant.

// Does not compile because T in IList<T> is NOT covariant.
IList<Fruit> fruits = new List<Apple>();
(2,23): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Apple>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList<Fruit>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

Nor can we compile code that tries to treat a list of fruits as a list of apples. Such code would require T to be contravariant.

// Does not compile because T in IList<T> is NOT contravariant.
IList<Apple> apple = new List<Fruit>();
(2,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Fruit>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList<Apple>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

So, we end up with invariance where IList<T> can only be substituted by types that use exactly T.

IList<Fruit> fruits = new List<Fruit>();


Invariance in lists does not mean that we can’t add objects of type Apple to a List<Fruit>. Since Apples are Fruits that works perfectly. But that’s not the point. The discussion surrounding variance does not regard what items can be stored in a given list, but rather which type of list can be used when another type of list is expected.

Why can’t T in IList<T> be covariant?#

Let’s imagine for a moment that T in IList<T> was covariant. At first glance, it might seem handy: you could assign a list of apples to a list of fruits. It might also sound sensible since a list of apples is a ‘specialization’ of a list of fruits. But what would stop you from then adding an orange to that list of fruits?

// Hypothetical example: If T in IList<T> was covariant.

IList<Fruit> fruits = new List<Apple>();  // Compiles
fruits.Add(new Orange());                 // Compiles, but throws exception.

When trying to add an Orange object to fruits, you’d be attempting to add it to an object that, in reality, is a list of Apples. This would result in a run-time exception. Thus, allowing IList<T> to be covariant would break static type-safety.

Why can’t T in IList<T> be contravariant?#

Now, let’s consider the opposite, what if T in IList<T> was contravariant? This would allow you to assign a list of fruits to a list of apples, which again sounds useful on the surface. It might also sound sensible since a list of fruit can do more than a list of apples and thus should be able to fulfill work in its stead, right? But what happens when we want to extract the elements?

// Hypothetical example: If T in IList<T> was contravariant

// Create list of fruits that contains an Orange.
IList<Fruit> fruits = new List<Fruit>() {
    new Orange()

IList<Apple> apples = fruits;            // Compiles.
Apple first = apples[0];                 // Compiles, but throws exception.

In this example, adding an Orange to the list of fruits is perfectly reasonable if Orange is a subtype of Fruit. The real issue surfaces when we try to assign the list of Fruit to the variable apples which expects a list of Apple objects. The assignment compiles, but when you attempt to retrieve the first item as an Apple, a run-time exception would be thrown. This is because the list actually contains an Orange and not only Apples. Therefore, treating it as a list of Apples is unsafe and ultimately breaks static type-safety.


Invariance serves as a counterpoint to the flexible relationships allowed by covariance and contravariance. The stringent requirements of invariance make it a tough but necessary pill to swallow in the realm of type-safe programming. A type that is both written to and read from a data structure fundamentally cannot be covariant or contravariant without sacrificing type-safety. Let’s move on to the next chapter and start reaping some benefits from having learned about variance.