Lab: Encapsulation#


In this lab, we delve into the principle of encapsulation by refactoring a Car class. We will control access to the Speed and TopSpeed attributes through instance methods, ensuring that the state of our car objects remains valid and realistic.

Provided Code#

Carefully review the provided code. Notice the public fields Speed and TopSpeed that allow any part of the code to modify these values, potentially leading to inconsistent object states.

class Car
    public string Name;
    public int Speed;
    public int TopSpeed;

    public void Accelerate()
        if (Speed < TopSpeed)

    public void Brake()
        if (Speed > 0)

    public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Name}: {Speed} ({TopSpeed})");

While the instance methods Accelerate and Brake indeed respects the top speed and the requirement that speed cannot be negative we can bypass this by changing the Speed field directly.

Car beetle = new Car();
beetle.Name = "Beetle";
beetle.TopSpeed = 120;
beetle.Speed = 30000; // 🤔 Wait a minute...
beetle.Speed = -400; // Eh, is reversing allowed?


Step 1: Make the Fields Private#

Convert all the fields into private fields in order to encapsulate them.

class Car
    private string name;
    private int speed;
    private int topSpeed;

    // ...


Remember that members are private by default so we can actually emit the keyword private alltogether should we so wish.


Since private fields are conventionally named using camelCase rather than pascalCase, remember to change the name of the fields.

Step 2: Implement Instance Methods for Modification#

Let’s now write methods to accellerate and brake in a controlled manner.

class Car
    private string name;
    private int speed;
    private int topSpeed;

    public void Accelerate() {
        if (speed < topSpeed)

    public void Brake() {
        if (speed > 0)

    public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine($"{name}: {speed} ({topSpeed})");

But, how are we now supposed to set the topSpeed and name? 🤷

Step 3: Set initial state using a Constructor#

Let’s add a constructor that takes a parameter of type string called name and an int called topSpeed.

class Car
    private string name;
    private int speed;
    private int topSpeed;

    public Car (string name, int topSpeed)
    { = name;
        this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

    public void Accelerate() {
        if (speed < topSpeed)

    public void Brake() {
        if (speed > 0)

    public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine($"{name}: {speed} ({topSpeed})");

🤔 Reflection

How is this code more encapsulated than the code that we started with? Can an object of type Car now end up in an inconsistent state where Speed exceeds topSpeed or is below 0?

Step 4: Test the Code#

Instantiate two Car objects with different top speed and check whether their Accelerate and Brake methods seem to work.

Car roadster = new Car("Roadster", 3);
Car cybertruck = new Car("Cybertruck", 1);

Car[] cars = new Car[] { roadster, cybertruck };

// Accellerate
foreach (Car car in cars)
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)


    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)

Roadster: 3 (3)
Roadster: 0 (3)
Cybertruck: 1 (1)
Cybertruck: 0 (1)


Add a new instance method to the Car class with the signature void Match(Car other). The method should set the speed of this car to the speed of the other.

Car roadster = new Car("Roadster", 3);
Car cybertruck = new Car("Cybertruck", 1);


cybertruck.Print(); // Oh no 😬
Cybertruck: 3 (1)

🤔 Reflection

By creating the Match method, we are allowing one instance of Car to interact with the private state of another instance. What does this teach us about how private works? How might this be useful in practice?

Through this lab, we have put the concept of encapsulation into practice by limiting access to the internal state of our Car objects, thereby enhancing the robustness and reliability of our code. In effect, we have encapsulated the implementation details, or “hidden our private parts” 😳. But we’ve also reflected over how the nuances caused by how private members are private to the type in which they are defined, not to objects of the class.

Good job! 👊