115. Variant generic interfaces#

Generic interfaces are a staple in C#. They enable us to write type-agnostic code while maintaining type safety. Another hallmark in programming is the concept of variance which allows us to be more flexible with type assignments. Combining these two leads to enormously reusable code.

Key point

C# supports variance for generic interfaces with the in and out keywords. The keyword out is for covariant “output”, while the keyword in is for contravariant “input”. Not specifying any of them results in invariance.

  • Prefixing a type parameter with the keyword out makes it covariant.

  • Prefixing a type parameter with the keyword in makes it contravariant.

  • Not prefixing a type parameter with any of these kewywords makes it invariant.


Using out and in with generic interfaces is not about altering the behavior of the interface itself. Instead, it’s about providing flexibility in type assignments, making your types more adaptable.

Covariance using out#

In a universe of geometric shapes, every shape has an area. Some shapes, like circles, have specific properties like a radius. Let’s represent this in code:

class Shape
    public virtual double Area { get; set; }
class Circle : Shape
    public double Radius { get; set; }
    public override double Area => Math.PI * Radius * Radius;

In this world, let’s consider a scenario where we often work with pairs of shapes. We create a covariant, read-only pair:

interface IPair<out T>
    T First { get; }
    T Second { get; }

Now, let’s also define a Pair<T> class:

class Pair<T> : IPair<T>
    public T First { get; }
    public T Second { get; }

    public Pair(T first, T second)
        First = first;
        Second = second;

Here’s where the magic happens. Let’s say we have a method that calculates the total area of a pair of shapes:

double TotalArea(IPair<Shape> shapePair)
    => shapePair.First.Area + shapePair.Second.Area;

Even though this method expects a pair of Shape objects, due to the covariance enabled by out, we can pass in a pair of Circle objects:

IPair<Circle> pair = new Pair<Circle>(
        new Circle { Radius = 5 },
        new Circle { Radius = 3 });

double combinedArea = TotalArea(pair);

This is the essence of covariance: the ability to use a more derived type (like Circle) where a less derived type (like Shape) is expected. In this case, a method designed for general shapes can seamlessly compute the area for specific circle pairs.


When you see the out keyword in a generic interface, think of it as “outputting” data, which aligns with returning values, hence its association with return types.

Contravariance using in#

Contravariance is the opposite of covariance. It allows a more general type to be used where a more specific type is expected. This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s incredibly powerful in certain scenarios.

Consider, forinstance, this general interface that we can use for comparing the “size” of any two objects. Notice how the type parameter T is marked as being contravariant.

interface IComparer<in T>
    bool IsGreaterThan(T left, T right);

Let’s then define a type that implements this interface for any Shape. The implementation compares Shapes based on their Area.

class ShapeAreaComparer : IComparer<Shape>
    public bool IsGreaterThan(Shape x, Shape y)
        => x.Area > y.Area;

With contravariance, we can use this general Shape comparer even if we need a more specific comparer like IComparer<Circle>:

IComparer<Circle> circleComparer = new ShapeAreaComparer();

At first glance this might not seem like a big deal. But again, consider that these objects might be found inside other structures. Let’s reintroduce the notion of a Pair<T>.

class Pair<T> : IPair<T>
    public T First { get; }
    public T Second { get; }

    public Pair(T first, T second)
        First = first;
        Second = second;

    public T Largest (IComparer<T> comparer)
        if (comparer.IsGreaterThan(Second, First))
            return Second;
            return First;
Pair<Circle> pair = new Pair<Circle>(
        new Circle { Radius = 3 },
        new Circle { Radius = 5 });

Circle largest = pair.Largest(new ShapeAreaComparer());



Remember, contravariance is about inputting data. When you see the in keyword, think about consuming or taking in values, aligning with input parameters.

See also

We don’t actually have to build an interface like IComparer<T> since .NET already contains a better implementation with the same name 🤓.


By understanding and leveraging covariance and contravariance in generic interfaces, we can write code that is both type-safe and flexible. It allows us to build systems that can evolve over time without extensive refactoring, saving both time and effort.


Remember, out is for covariant output, while in is for contravariant input.