112. Variant classes#

When we delved into covariance, contravariance, and invariance, we learnt about the flexibility of type relations, especially when working with generic types. Now, we turn our attention to how these concepts apply to classes.

Key points

  • C# supports covariant return types.

  • C# does not support contravariant parameter types.

Covariant Return Types#

In many object-oriented languages, when you override a method, the return type of the overridden method should match the return type of the base method. However, C# has added more flexibility by allowing return types to be covariant. This means that an overridden method in a derived class can have a more derived return type than the method in the base class.

Consider the following classes.

class Fruit { }
class Apple : Fruit { }
class FruitTree
    public virtual Fruit GetFruit()
        => new Fruit();
class AppleTree : FruitTree
    public override Apple GetFruit()
        => new Apple();

In the above example, the Apple class is derived from the Fruit class. Similarly, the AppleTree class is derived from the FruitTree class.

While the GetFruit method in the FruitTree class returns objects of type Fruit, the overridden GetFruit method in the AppleTree class returns objects of type Apple which is a more derived type.


C# supports covariant return types.


What might the benefit of this be? Covariant return types help us avoid loosing type-information. When we have an AppleTree and ask it for a Fruit, the compiler will know that we won’t get any old Fruit but rather precisely an Apple. Consider the code below.

AppleTree tree = new AppleTree();
Apple apple = tree.GetFruit();

The code compiles and runs as expected. However, had we not used a covariant return type, we would not have been able to extract an Apple from the tree without downcasting. Compare the example above with the one below.

class InvariantAppleTree : FruitTree
    public override Fruit GetFruit()
        => new Apple();
InvariantAppleTree tree = new InvariantAppleTree();
Apple apple = tree.GetFruit();
(2,15): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Fruit' to 'Apple'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)


Covariant return types enhance type safety. When working with derived classes, you can be more specific about what you return, preventing unexpected behaviors and potential issues down the line.

Contravariant Parameter Types#

Contravariance is when you can use a less derived (or “broader”) type instead of a more derived (or “narrower”) type. However, when it comes to method parameters in C#, contravariance isn’t supported. This means that if you override a method in a derived class, the parameter types of the overridden method must match exactly the parameter types of the method in the base class.

Let’s however entertain a hypothetical example of what this might have looked like if C# would have supported contravariant parameter types.

class AppleJuicer
    public virtual void Juice(Apple apple)
        => Console.WriteLine("Juicing the apple.");
class FruitJuicer : AppleJuicer
    // This won't compile!
    public override void Juice(Fruit fruit)
        => Console.WriteLine("Juicing the fruit.");
(4,26): error CS0115: 'FruitJuicer.Juice(Fruit)': no suitable method found to override

The Juice method in the FruitJuicer class overrides the Juice method in the AppleJuicer class and accepts a less derived parameter type. However, since C# does not support contravariant parameters in classes, this code does not compile.


When overriding methods in C#, the parameter types must match those of the overridden method.

Covariant Parameter Types in Other Languages#

Some programming languages permit covariant parameter types. This means that a derived class, can use a narrower parameter type compared to the same method in the base class.

For example, if a base class method accepts a parameter of type Fruit, the corresponding method in a derived class would be allowed to specify a narrower type like Apple.

class AppleJuicer
    public virtual void Juice(Fruit fruit)
        => Console.WriteLine("Juicing the fruit.");
class FruitJuicer : AppleJuicer
    // This won't compile and is not type-safe!
    public override void Juice(Apple apple)
        => Console.WriteLine("Juicing the apple.");
(4,26): error CS0115: 'FruitJuicer.Juice(Apple)': no suitable method found to override

Here, the PerformAction method in Dog narrows down its parameter type to Dog, even though the corresponding method in Animal accepts any Animal.


This might seem flexible, but as we have learned in the chapter on the Liskov Substitution Principle, covariance in input will lead to a loss of static-type safety. Languages with this feature are thus prone to run-time errors.


Variance in programming is all about flexibility and type safety. While C# offers a certain level of flexibility with covariant return types, it does not support contravariant parameter types. Possibly as a consequence of not supporting multiple inheritance. As we continue to explore deeper concepts, always keep in mind the delicate balance between flexibility and safety that C# aims to achieve. It’s all about writing robust and maintainable code.