114. Variant generic delegates#

Variation in programming offers the flexibility to adapt code efficiently. With generic delegates, variance takes on a new dimension. In C#, variance for generic delegates means that we can use a more derived type (or a less derived type) than originally specified.

Generic delegates support variance, if we explicitly specify whether a given parameter is covariant or contravariant.

Key points

  • C# supports variance in generic delegates.

  • Covariance allows a method with a return type derived from the delegate’s return type and is denoted using the out keyword.

  • Contravariance allows a method with a parameter type that’s a base of the delegate’s parameter type and is denoted using the in keyword.

Covariant Generic Delegates#

Let’s first explore covariance in generic delegates. Consider the following simple class hierarchy:

class Fruit {}
class Apple : Fruit {}

Then suppose we have a generic delegate that is defined to return a T:

delegate T Factory<T>();

And that we have a delegate variable of type Factory<Apple:

// Creating a delegate-instance with a Lambda-expression
// and storing it in a delegate variable of type Factory<Apple>.
Factory<Apple> appleFactory = () => new Apple();

Now, without explicitly stating that T in Factory<T> is covariant using the out keyword, the following attempt to assign a Factory<Apple> to a Factory<Fruit> variable does not compile:

Factory<Apple> appleFactory = () => new Apple();

// Trying to use a Factory<Apple> where a Factory<Fruit> is expected.
Factory<Fruit> fruitFactory = appleFactory;
(4,31): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Factory<Apple>' to 'Factory<Fruit>'

However, if we were to explicitly state that T is covariant by using the out keyword, then it will compile.

delegate T Factory<out T>();
Factory<Apple> appleFactory = () => new Apple();

// Trying to use a Factory<Apple> where a Factory<Fruit> is expected.
Factory<Fruit> fruitFactory = appleFactory;

Hooray. 🙌

Contravariant Generic Delegates#

Now, let’s explore contravariance in generic delegates using our Fruit and Apple classes.

First, let’s define a generic delegate called Consumer<T> that takes a parameter of type T:

delegate void Consumer<in T>(T item);

Then let’s define a delegate variable of type Consumer<Fruit>:

// Creating a delegate-instance with a Lambda-expression
// and storing it in a delegate variable of type Consumer<Fruit>.
Consumer<Fruit> fruitConsumer = (Fruit f) => Console.WriteLine("Nom nom...");

Without the explicit declaration that T in Consumer<T> is contravariant using the in keyword, the following attempt to assign a Consumer<Fruit> to a Consumer<Apple> variable won’t compile:

// Trying to use a Consumer<Fruit> where a Consumer<Apple> is expected.
Consumer<Apple> appleConsumer = fruitConsumer;

However, once we explicitly declare T as contravariant using the in keyword it works like a charm.

delegate void Consumer<in T>(T item);
Consumer<Fruit> fruitConsumer = (Fruit f) => Console.WriteLine("Nom nom...");

// Using a Consumer<Fruit> where a Consumer<Apple> is expected.
Consumer<Apple> appleConsumer = fruitConsumer;

Hooray again. 🙌


What’s an example when we might make use of covariant or contravariant generic delegates you ask? Well, the built-in generic delegates Func, Action, and Predicate all have variant parameters.

Consider the delegate Func<T, TResult> for example. It is approximately defined like below:

delegate TResult Func<in T,out TResult>(T arg);

This means that Func<T, TResult> is contravariant in T and covariant in TResult. Which, in turn, allows us to compile and run the following code:

public class Fruit
    public bool IsRipe { get; set; }
public class Apple : Fruit { }
// A list of Apples.
List<Apple> apples = new List<Apple>
    new Apple { IsRipe = true },
    new Apple { IsRipe = false }

// A method that checks if a Fruit is ripe
Func<Fruit, bool> IsRipeFruit = fruit => fruit.IsRipe;

// Contravariance allows us to use IsRipeFruit.
IEnumerable<Fruit> ripeApples = apples.Where(IsRipeFruit);

In the code above, we’re passing the delegate variable IsRipeFruit of type Funct<Fruit, bool> to the LINQ method Where even though the type Func<Apple, bool> was expected. This works since delegates are contravariant in input.


Having the ability to assign methods with more derived (or less derived) types to generic delegates provides flexibility. It means our methods can be more general-purpose, yet still be used in specific scenarios. This results in code that’s not only reusable and adaptable but also still statically type-safe.